We Are Stars - subtitled film show
We Are Stars - subtitled film show
Get set for an epic adventure through space and time! Blast through the stars in a 360° subtitled fulldome film that spans billions of years.
We Are Stars is a subtitled film show that is filled with colourful characters and animations. It’s great for the whole family.
Is it true that we are all made of stars? Join the Time Master to find out. Step inside the time tent and be whisked 13.8 billion years into the past. Come on a journey from the Big Bang to modern day and discover the secrets of our cosmic chemistry. Experience the universe like never before as you follow the formation of hydrogen atoms, the synthesis of carbon and the evolution of life from the very first cells.
Join Hollywood star, Andy Serkis, as the Time Master in this award winning planetarium film. The lights and sounds of the Victorian fairground style setting creates a magical show that's perfect for younger audiences. While older children will learn more about atoms, nuclear fusion in stars, formation of asteroids and humanity's current understanding of where everything, including us, came from.
Accessibility information for We Are Stars
The Planetarium is accessible so everyone can have a special experience here. Planetarium shows are unusual and exciting experiences. All our shows are relaxed and fun with calm presentations. We call them 'chatterbox shows'. If you want to call out, ask questions or swap ideas with your group about what you can see, go right ahead.
It's not super dark and you can move around, go out and come back in if you like. If you have a wheelchair, we have spaces for you to sit with seats for your family and friends. The stairs have lights to make them easy to see.
We also have an induction loop. Sensitive to loud noises? You can borrow ear defenders from us before the show starts.
7th, 8th, 24th, 27th to 31st December, 1st to 6th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th January
14th, 15th, 20th to 23rd December